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Utter Nonsense


  • ACCENTS APLENTY – Try to speak like a vampire, robot, etc. while saying funny things!

  • SILLY SOUNDING – Say ridiculous things in ridiculous accents to try and impress the Nonsense Judge and win the round!

  • JUDGE THE BEST NONSENSE-The Nonsense Judge picks their favorite phrase to go with the accent for the round.

  • FAMILY-FRIENDLY PARTY GAME-Get everyone involved in the hilarity! For ages 8 and up.

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SKU: 093514074834 Category: Tag:


Utter Nonsense is a card game where players combine stereotypical accents with outrageous phrases to create sayings that are just plain ridiculous. Utter Nonsense contains 45 Accent Cards and 455 Phrase Cards which players combine and act out. You don’t have to be good at accents and the combinations don’t need to make sense. In fact, players are encouraged to improvise and make the phrases their own.

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